Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Five County Area

Key Team Members

Noel Thomas Lester- System of Care Manager

Whitney Robertson- System of Care Coordinator

Sonynia Leonard - Chief-District 6

David Carter - Chief-District 9

Bobbie Jo Hopf & Alexandra Kam - Youth Villages

Barbara Young - North Carolina Families United

Latisha Teachy - Freedom House Recovery Lake Area

Jamie Mitchell - DAYMARK Recovery Services, Inc.

Nicole Jackson - Uplift

Nicole Spruill - Vision Behavioral Health Services

 Arneisha Crossen - Supervisor - District 9

Affiliated Counties: Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Vance, Warren

Screening Process:

The Risk and Needs Assessment is completed in Halifax and GAIN Short Screener is used in the four other counties. Juvenile Family Data Sheet and screening information is provided to all providers except Integrated Family Services, by facsimile.

Assessment Process:

District 6A uses a Comprehensive Clinical Assessment modeled after the JJTC Assessment and Global Appraisal of Individual Needs is used in the four other counties.

Treatment Process: Families are provided services through Integrated Family Services and Family Preservation Services unless there is a service not within these provider's arrays. If a child is receiving and enhanced benefit, Child and Family Team meetings are to occur every 30 days in Hailfax County. High priority cases are staffed weekly and non-high priority cases are staffed at lease once per a month. In four Counties, Child and Family Teams are held as needed.


Visit Their Website: Cardinal Innovations Healthcare